Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wisconsin Fall Tour

October 21-23 we took off for a fall tour of neighboring state Wisconsin.  We headed east on I-94 in the general direction of Wausau/Stevens Point area.  Campgrounds were already starting to close for the season, so we planned our trip to arrive at places that were still open. The first night we were the only campers at Camp DuBay Shores in Mosinee, WI.  We chose a parking spot overlooking the lake, walked to a local restaurant for dinner, and enjoyed a cool fall day.
    The next morning we took off on state highways 80 and 82, through New Lisbon and south toward Richland Center.  Our objective was scenery, and we found some very nice rolling hills and valleys and fall foliage. We also found Pittsville, WI, claimed to be the exact center of Wisconsin, and Ocean Spray Cranberry Farms near Babcock, WI, where one could see cranberry bogs along the highway.
   Our destination that evening was Blackhawk Park, an Army Corp of Engineers park along the Mississippi River at Desoto, WI. To get there Gene passed another driving challenge...curving winding narrow roads going downhill at 8% grade toward the river!  The campground was nice, with more campers there for some late fall fishing.
   We arrived home Sunday.  Likely no more trips now until time to head South...

Brainerd Lakes Area Rally

September 22-25th we attended a rally sponsored by Tiffin RV Network, a group for travelers who all drive Tiffin manufactured motorhomes.  We met 10 other couples at RV Resort @ the Preserve near Pequot Lakes, MN.  The resort had plenty of parking, and a big clubhouse where we met for potlucks and "happy hour".  We had campfires a couple evenings, able to keep warm while enjoying the late fall weather.  During free time Gene & I drove to Nisswa and Pequot Lakes to wander around and do some shopping. A lot of time was spent talking with the other campers and comparing notes on our Tiffin motorhomes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

FMCA Madison Wisconsin

August 10-13, 2011 was FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) annual rally, held this year in Madison, Wisconsin. As we are members, we decided to attend, and were labeled  First Time Attendees...we were assigned to report for parking in the afternoon on Monday, August 8th.  We proceeded to the Holding Area, waiting to be parked...this was important as we learned there would be some 1900+ large motor homes requiring parking space. We were led to a grassy area in Lake Farm Park and shown where to park.  This would be home for the rest of the week.
   When we registered we requested to park in the "generator only from 6 AM to 11PM" area. That meant we would have no electricity except what our batteries and generator would supply. We also had no running water or sewer connections, so had 90 gallons of fresh water (brought from Shoreview) and our waste water tanks to live on through the week!  This would be a new experience for sure.
   We had a fun week...attending seminars given by experts in all things RV (from batteries & tires to convection oven cooking, and everything in-between), viewing new RV's, and visiting with many folks like us who have RV's for travel or as their permanent home.
   We learned to manage our on-board water and electric resources, and now know we can "boondock" for at least a week!  And, YES, we took showers every day...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shoreview, MN

We did return safely to Shoreview on April 21st.  The motorhome is parked, we've cleaned out the refrig, and moved necessary items back into the house. Yardwork was waiting, leaves to clean up, a garden to till and plant...all to do once it stops raining and warms up! We do hope to take some shorter camping trips this summer, so the RV news will likely continue.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Almost in Minnesota Again

Our first winter away is coming to an end...we are almost in Minnesota again.  After leaving the Arbuckle Mountains on Sunday, April 17 we camped a night in Miami, OK (across the border from Joplin, MO); two nights in Turney, MO (north of Kansas City); and tonight we are in Story City, IA (just abit north of Ames).
   We missed another bout of severe weather the nights we stayed in Turney...thunderstorms, wind, rain, snow...all were in the forecast! So far we have NOT seen any white stuff on the ground, and hope it stays that way!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Chickasaw National Recreation Area, OK

We arrived in Oklahoma on Wed, April 13. Our destination: Chickasaw NRA and a campsite on Lake of the Arbuckles. Leaving I-35 at the Davis exit we followed the signs to the park, winding our way up the hills to "The Point", where campsites overlook the lake. Some sites are set up for motorhomes, having solid parking pads, electric & water hookups, but many more sites are for tent campers and are more primitive. The view is great!
   On Thursday we went into the little town of Sulphur, OK. Sulphur gets its name from mineral springs (spring water absorbing sulphur and bromine from the rocks below) located in the area. We drove around a park there, seeing outlets for the springs, and winding along a scenic river.
   Later that afternoon were greeted by severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings. Tornadoes were sited near Davis and Sulphur, just miles from our camp. We took shelter in the only solid structure in the woods: the shower/restroom building! The dark clouds passed with no damaging wind in our location, but then heavy rain & hail followed the storm. Hail (some pieces up to quarter size) pounded the motorhome and car. The car has a few new scars; we will have to inspect the motorhome more today...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lyndon B Johnson Texas History

Lyndon B Johnson National Historical Park and LBJ State Park and Historic Site are joint ventures between federal and state agencies to preserve the history of LBJ's life and his family connections to Texas Hill Country.
    We started with the Johnson City site, where a visitor center  provides exhibits and films. Here we also toured his boyhood home, restored as it would have looked in the 1920's. LBJ was 5 years old when his family moved there in 1913.
    After that we drove to the LBJ Ranch site, 14 miles from Johnson City. There another tour took us to see the one room school he attended, the home where he was born in 1908, the cemetery where he is buried, and a drive through the pastures of the ranch to a show barn used to exhibit his Hereford cattle. Final stop was the ranch house (often referred to as the Texas White House). The house is preserved as it looked when the family lived there.  Near the house was parked Air Force One-Half (LBJ's name for the small jet used to fly into the ranch on his own private runway).
   Lots of history and a neat drive through the Hill Country.

Historic Gruene TX

Gruene (pronounced "green") TX was originally established in the mid-1840's by German farmers. Ernst Gruene and family built the first homes and started planting cotton. More families arrived, a mercantile store was built in 1878, a cotton gin was built on the nearby Guadalupe River, and a dance hall/saloon (Gruene Hall) became the center of social activities.
  All went well until the 1920's when fires, the Depression, and the cotton boll weevil brought an end to the tiny settlement.  All businesses except the Hall went under.
  In 1975 when the Gruene estate was sold, all remaining buildings were placed on the National Register of Historic Places. New shops were added and the old buildings turned into a town again, welcoming visitors to see the old town. Most interesting is Gruene Hall which has never closed...they continued to have music and entertainment daily, and to this day have a band scheduled for every evening. It is billed as the oldest,
continually operating dance hall in Texas. Walls are lined with signed photos of artists like Lyle Lovett, George Strait, Bo Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Garth Brooks, and Willie Nelson.
   The movie "Michael" with John Travolta, had it's dance scenes filmed there, and Nolan Ryan celebrated his 50th birthday  at Gruene Hall. And now we can say we've been there!

On our way North

I've gotten behind again in updating our travels...we left Rio Grande Valley location on April 4th to start our travels North. Had planned to drive to Canyon Lake, TX (about 300 miles) but our plans changed when the winds changed! Left with a south wind pushing us along, but by lunch time a cold front came in from the north and driving became more of a challenge. We finally stopped in a little town Beeville, TX to look for a place to spend the night. That proved to be a challenge too...the local Wal-Mart (which often allows overnite parking) would not let us stay there. We finally found a tiny RV park on the edge of the local mobile home park...not fancy, but at least a place for the night. Took off the following morning and arrived at the Canyon Lake destination on Tuesday.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Port Mansfield

Port Mansfield is a tiny village located north of here on the Laguna Madre (the bay between Texas coast and South Padre Island). It also includes access to the intercoastal waterway which leads to Port of Brownsville.
  If you want to be a fisherman this is the place to be...residents have long piers from their homes, or live on the harbor with a "drive in" boathouse under their home. There are public boat launchs and fishing piers for those without water access. Some just fish from shore...
   While there we met a local resident who was in town from his ranch to mow lawn at the beach house. We talked with him awhile and learned about farming and ranching. Crops currently being planted are cotton, some corn and soybeans, and a grain called milo (used for livestock feed and biofuel production). Cattle still roam the thousands of acres of scrubby ranch land; when they need to round-up the cattle many ranchers use helicopters to locate the herd, then send in the cowboys on horseback, thus blending new and old technology!

Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show

On March 16th we took advantage of "Senior Citizen's Day" and attended the RGV Livestock Show.  It was held during "Texas Week" which is Spring Break for all Texas schools. Similar to our MN State Fair, the Livestock Show gives kids from 4H and FFA chapters around the Valley a chance to show their animals and be judged for ribbons & prizes. This was the 72nd Annual show...we saw many different breeds of beef cattle, including huge Brahman bulls weighing over 2000 pounds! There was also a three day old Brahman calf with its mother. Other animals being shown were hogs, goats, sheep, rabbits, and a few chickens...kind of took us back to our Farm Roots.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

World Birding Center and Wildlife Refuge

The World Birding Center of Texas is a network of sites including State and National parks that spreads across three counties in the Rio Grand Valley. So far we have visited three major parks: Estero Llano Grande State Park, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, and Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge.  Each park is unique but all are focused on wildlife preservation. We've seen many colorful birds unique to this area, and many that migrate through the region. Some plants are flowering now, and the butterflies were enjoying them. Most animals are well hidden, but we did see a wild pig, some alligators, and an armadillo.  It's a great area for wildlife photographers!

Boca Chica Beach

This week we experienced Boca Chica Beach! It's like driving to the end of the world...we went to Brownsville and picked up Boca Chica Blvd (also known as hwy 4)...then drove about 20 miles until the highway ended.  At the end was nothing but sand and Gulf waves. The adventure is to drive on the beach to the point where Rio Grande River and the Gulf meet. The beach sand is hard packed if you stay near the break line for the waves...we took off with the Honda, and drove probably 5 miles or so along the beach. We parked and walked the final yards to the mouth of the river, as the sand was not as firm to drive on. At this point the water is shallow (we were told) and you could walk across to Mexico. We watched fishermen catching fish with nets on the Mexico side.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Big Events

On Saturday (Feb 12) we took part in two big events in RGV: 
   First event was the Don-Wes Flea Market (located between the towns of Donna and Wesleco--thus the name). It is billed as one of the biggest flea markets in the valley. They had everything from antiques to cowboy hats; Winter Texan t-shirts to RV supplies; live music with dance floor; imports from Mexico; if they didn't have it you probably didn't need it!  We wandered around and just took in the sights. One thing they were lacking in were places to eat, so when we got hungry we left...
   In searching for a place to eat we realized we were close to Gonzales Burgers, a place that had been recommended as a "must see". We found the restaurant and went in to order, only to learn it would be about 1 hour wait. So, we waited, and it was worth it.
   Gonzales Burgers are famous because they are HUGE and really tasty.  Each "patty" contains about 1 pound of ground beef! (We had been warned to order only one & share.)  The restaurant is owned by a family; they grind the beef (something like 175 pounds each night), make the patties, and do the cooking. Each day they open for lunch about 11am and take orders until the meat is gone...we were 3rd from last to get served on Saturday, and it was only 1 pm when we got there. Another interesting fact: there is no sign out front to identify the of the family members told us the sign blew away years ago and they just hadn't gotten around to replacing it yet...but everyone finds them anyway!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Two Weeks in RGV

Just realized we've been "Winter Texan's" for two weeks already! Last weekend (Sunday) we ventured out to a Texas Rodeo in a small town south and east of San seats close to the "chute" where the bulls and bucking bronco's came out, trying to dislodge the riders. Also had calf roping, and the Budweiser Clydesdales were part of the show. Was fun!
   Then this week we took a trip with others from the RV park to South Padre Island (SPI) where we took off for a 4 hour "cruise" of the Port of Brownsville. Crossed a harbor and were able to see a couple pairs of dolphins, and lots of pelicans, gulls, and other water birds.  The Port of Brownsville is connected by a 7 mile long man-made channel which ended in the Port. Lots of shrimping boats there, plus several big old ships, including a military vessel, which were being demolished and salvaged for scrap metal.  The metal goes to Asia to be remade into cars!
    After the cruise we all went to a restaurant on SPI for shrimp dinners.
This week has been colder and windy again, which makes outdoor activities more difficult.  We are hoping for warmer weather for the weekend...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wind Chill in RGV

Winter weather advisory, wind chill, school closings, freezing rain/sleet/snow flurries....these are not part of the vocabulary I thought we'd hear in RGV!  But here it, tomorrow, and Friday...some park residents ("Winter Texan's") I talked with today agreed: we might as well be back home!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Home Away from Home

We've found a new home! Have decided to stay in the San Benito RV park for at least a month. People are friendly here and there are lots of activities if you want to join in.  I've taken a couple painting classes, and today did water aerobics. Gene attended the "Soup Cook-off" (only to eat, not to submit a soup). There are weekly music jams (country and bluegrass), and card games most every evening. A Super Bowl party is on the calendar, as well as a Fun Day complete with street dance and a cook out. Also fishing trips to the Gulf...
   We haven't done too much sightseeing yet, but have taken some car trips around the area to learn where things are...groceries, Target, Walmart, Home Depot, all have been located. We've found some restaurants to try, and fruit/seafood stands selling local goods (especially oranges and grapefruit) are abundant.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Arrived in Rio Grande Valley (RGV)

Two weeks and 2000 miles later we have successfully arrived in the RGV!  Drove into San Benito, TX today. We found a camp suggested by some folks we met on the road, so will be here at least a couple days while we explore options and try to decide where to spend the rest of the winter. It's warm (60's) and NO SNOW.  Walked around the camp and found travelers from Wisconsin, Iowa, & Ohio to visit with. Maybe headed to the hot tub later!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Time to Travel to Texas

Work on the RV is finally complete. We plan to leave Red Bay Saturday morning (Jan 22) heading southwest to Tupelo and Jackson, MS then west on I-20 across Louisiana and into Texas. Not sure how many days it will take...lots of miles to go!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Greetings from Tiffin Campground, Red Bay, AL

I've already gotten behind with my travel updates!  We arrived here at the Tiffin Campground on Wed, Jan 12. We got registered and assigned a parking space. On Thursday morning (7:00 AM) we reported to our bay for service so they could begin working on our RV. We presented a list of identified problems/questions which they started on. Progress is slow, but there are lots of other RV folk here to and lots of opportunity to share stories and gather travel information.
   We have taken in some local attractions, like lunch at "Swamp John's" where the specialty is deep fried catfish. (If you drove by this place you probably wouldn't stop in, but it's reputation makes it a sought out establishment.)
We are cooking and sleeping in the RV now, we have running water, and temps have finally gotten into the 40's and 50's so the snow is disappearing. Not sure how long we'll be here... In the evening we are planning our escape to Texas.

Monday, January 10, 2011

End of Day 2 on the Road

so much for getting away from snow by going South! We left Minnesota on the coldest day of the year;
ended our first day in southern Iowa (not far from Iowa City); left there just ahead of a snow storm moving
in from the west right down I-80; drove to near St Louis and tonight there are predictions for snow here!
Can hardly wait to see Alabama...but, so far roads have been OK and Gene is doing fine with the driving.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Almost ready to travel

December was a record snowy month...the RV was covered with snow and ice...would we ever get away!
Thanks to a couple warm days after Christmas we were finally successful in removing many inches of snow and deicing the RV... Now we are ready to start packing in preparation for our journey to the South.