Saturday, March 5, 2011

Boca Chica Beach

This week we experienced Boca Chica Beach! It's like driving to the end of the world...we went to Brownsville and picked up Boca Chica Blvd (also known as hwy 4)...then drove about 20 miles until the highway ended.  At the end was nothing but sand and Gulf waves. The adventure is to drive on the beach to the point where Rio Grande River and the Gulf meet. The beach sand is hard packed if you stay near the break line for the waves...we took off with the Honda, and drove probably 5 miles or so along the beach. We parked and walked the final yards to the mouth of the river, as the sand was not as firm to drive on. At this point the water is shallow (we were told) and you could walk across to Mexico. We watched fishermen catching fish with nets on the Mexico side.

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