Saturday, March 5, 2011

World Birding Center and Wildlife Refuge

The World Birding Center of Texas is a network of sites including State and National parks that spreads across three counties in the Rio Grand Valley. So far we have visited three major parks: Estero Llano Grande State Park, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, and Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge.  Each park is unique but all are focused on wildlife preservation. We've seen many colorful birds unique to this area, and many that migrate through the region. Some plants are flowering now, and the butterflies were enjoying them. Most animals are well hidden, but we did see a wild pig, some alligators, and an armadillo.  It's a great area for wildlife photographers!


  1. Wow, seeing alligators would be fun! While we were in Baton Rouge, I got a chance to eat some alligator, which is pretty good. If you find a restaurant that serves it, you and Dad should give it a try!

  2. You finally saw an armadillo! Hope he was happier than the ones along the Oklahoma highways!
