Sunday, October 27, 2019

Redwood National and State Parks

Established in 1968,  Redwood National and State Parks system protects a string of forests, beaches, and grasslands along the northern California coast. From the early 1900's to 1960 logging operations consumed a large percentage of original old-growth coastal redwoods. Redwoods National and State Parks joint effort was to protect and preserve the remaining trees. Some 40,000 acres of old growth, and 80,000 acres of second growth forests (those growing on previously clear-cut land) are now within the Parks system protection.

Coastal redwoods grow best here partly because of the mist and fog that moves in from the ocean and blankets the forest in a cloud.  Trees absorb lots of their moisture requirements from the fog.

Park Visitor Centers provide forest information, book campsites, and register hikers for backcountry camping. Campsites are varied, from full service with electricity and water, to those with only nature around you.  Trails are also varied...some handicap accessible, some easy and not too long, some difficult and long.  Besides walking, some trails are used for biking and/or horseback riding.

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