Sunday, October 27, 2019

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park

From our camp in Trinidad, CA we drove north to Kuchel Visitor Center near Orick.  After a short film, the park ranger pointed us toward Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway and a drive through Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

This alternative to hwy 101 was definitely worthwhile. We found the 10 mile side trip to be yet another beautiful drive twisting and turning through giant trees.

A wayside sign with an arrow pointing to "Big Tree" encouraged us to stop. We walked a short trail, and there it was...the biggest redwood we had seen so far!

The information sign nearby stated it was 286 ft tall, 24 ft in diameter, and 75 ft in circumference. These two photos show the bottom and top of this giant.

This state park has many hiking trails that lead off into the forest.  One of the more difficult trails leads to Fern Canyon, a site used for filming parts of "Jurassic Park".

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