Friday, July 7, 2017

On to Canada

Our journey continues as we cross the international border and enter Alberta, Canada.  We chose the Sweet Grass-Coutts Port of Entry, located just north of Shelby, MT.  It is a large entry facility, open 24-hours.  The day we entered there were only a couple vehicles there, so we had no wait time, and were quickly on our way.

Adjusting the RV speedometer from "miles per hour" to "kilometers per hour" was one of the first things we did.  Our trusty GPS guide changed automatically.  Still it took some getting used to seeing "max 110" on the highway speed limit signs (converts to 68 mph).  And, after hearing that the overnight temperatures would be 15 degrees, we were glad to convert that from 15C to 59 F.

We found a bank, and exchanged some US cash for Canadian...we now have loonies and toonies to spend ($1 and $2 coins).  Credit cards are easy to use.

We followed various highways to Lethbridge, AB, then drove on the Queen's Highway (hwy 2) to Calgary and on to Edmonton.  From Edmonton we headed west again through Alberta and into British Columbia. Scenery is changing as we go north...the wheat and grain fields of Alberta have given way to pine, birch and aspen forests, rivers and lakes.  The days are getting longer too...sunset has been after 11 pm some nights.

Our destination is Dawson City, BC...start of the official Alaska Highway.  We arrived there today...1881 miles driven so far to reach this point.

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