Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Fort St John to Fort Nelson BC

Driving west as we left Fort St John we left the plains behind and began climbing toward the eastern edge of the Canadian Rockies.  

Roads were in poor condition, with lots of loose gravel sections, so the driving was slow.  Flagmen stopped traffic in the active work areas, and we spent time waiting for the OK to proceed.

There is considerable oil and gas exploration along this section of highway.  Numerous signs mark  access roads to the sites. Because of this, many campgrounds have converted to "open camps", bringing in portable "barracks" for the workers, and using lodge dining rooms to feed the workers.
We reach Fort Nelson, and our next campground.  Triple G Hideaway RV Park is at mile 300.  Near the campground was a neat museum devoted to relics from the 1940's Alaska Hwy construction era.

For trivia folks, Fort Nelson is home to the northern most traffic light in British Columbia!

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