Saturday, July 16, 2016

Prairie Homestead National Historic Site

Prairie Homestead is located near one entrance to Badlands National Park.  This site preserves one of the only known intact original sod farm houses on the prairie.  This pioneer home was built in 1909 when the land was homesteaded by Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brown who came from Nebraska. The 160 acre homestead cost them $80.  The home was built of dirt sod bricks. After they left, it was occupied until 1949 by Mr. George Carr.

All the buildings are as they were found, except for minor restoration and maintenance.  A storage cave dug into the hills had collapsed, so it was dug out and restored in 1966.

In 1974 the site was added to the National Register of Historic Places. 


  1. I like the storage cave dug into the hill! Easier than digging a basement!

  2. I like the storage cave dug into the hill! Easier than digging a basement!
