Sunday, July 17, 2016

Devils Tower National Monument

On June 30 we left South Dakota and crossed the border into Wyoming.  Home base for a few days would be Mountain View RV Park & Campground in Sundance, Wyoming.

First agenda item was to visit Devils Tower National Monument.  In 1906 President Teddy Roosevelt designated Devils Tower as the nation's first national monument.  This massive structure was likely formed underground when igneous rock or volcanic magma filled a space in the surrounding sedimentary rocks, then cooled and hardened. Over time erosion wore away the sandstone and shale and exposed the columns that now are called Devils Tower.
At 865 feet high, the Tower offers some great rock climbing experiences for those brave enough to try.  Registration with the Park Service is required before climbing. We saw a couple pair of climbers on the day we were there.
We walked the 1.3 mile Tower Trail around the base of the stucture.  Huge piles of rubble created by fallen columns surround the base, offering novice "rock climbers" a chance to scramble around on the rocks.

After leaving Devils Tower we drove to Aladdin, WY...a tiny town of 13 residents.  There are two sites there: 1) the 100 year old general store that is now the grocery, hardware, clothing, antique, liquor store plus post office and 2) the pie shop next door.  A sign on the store announced the whole town is for sale for $1.5 million (in case someone is looking for an investment opportunity!).

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