Wednesday, September 9, 2020

2020 Social Distancing & Facemasks

 It all started while we were still in Arizona for the winter...something called the corona virus.  First we were instructed to "social distance": keep at least 6 feet apart when socializing with friends.  Resort Activities were restricted to 20 people, then 6 people, then no activities at all.  Offices closed.  Residents started leaving to go back to their home country or state.  Facemasks were recommeded.

We stayed in Arizona until the end of April.  Finally we got word from Minnesota...our seasonal campground would be opening for the summer.  We drove the RV back, stopping at familiar campgrounds along the way.  We had no problems obtaining fuel, or picking up a few groceries along the way.  But, we could not stop to visit friends and relatives as we usually did.

When we arrived in Minnesota, we self-quarantined for 14 days.  Not too hard to do, when living in the RV.  We learned there would be no activities here either.  Facemasks were recommended. We have not traveled anywhere with the RV this summer, the year of  the pandemic.

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