Saturday, November 16, 2019

Death Valley: Furnace Creek Area

A variety of sights exist within the Furnace Creek Area of Death Valley National Park.  All the following are accessible by car, and fairly easy walks from parking to observation areas. A Visitor Center and Museum are located at Furnace Creek.

Artist's Drive exposes mineral deposits in a palette of colors in the volcanic formed rocks.  Pullouts are available for short term parking and photos.

Badwater Basin allows visitors a chance to stroll through the basin of an ancient lake.  What remains are layers of salt deposits.  At 282 feet below sea level, it is the lowest point in North America.

Dante's View, an observation area more than 5000 feet above sea level, allows one to view the expanse of Death Valley.  From high above it is easy to see the distinct valley between ranges of steep mountains. Access is via a steep, winding hard surface road. The last 1/4 mile is a 15% grade!

Zabriskie Point may be one of the most popular lookouts. A short uphill climb from the parking lot allows one to see a panoramic view of golden brown mudstone hills etched with gullies from the occasional intense rainfalls this area experiences.

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