Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier, at 14,410 ft, is the tallest volcano in the Cascade Mountain Range and the centerpiece of this National Park.  Glaciers cling to it's rocky slopes and steam escapes from deep below...what a perfect view the day we were there!

We entered the park from the east side, at Chinook Pass, where there is access to the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail.  We drove into the park, following winding roads along rambling streams and old growth forest to the Steven's Canyon Entrance on the southeast corner.

We parked here and hiked a trail (which included a swinging suspension bridge over a stream) through the "Grove of the Patriarchs".  This stand of ancient, giant trees have survived the forces of nature for over 1000 years.
We wound our way further into the park up to historic Paradise Inn.  This building opened in 1917, so is celebrating 100 years of park history. It is the largest lodging facility in the park;  built using massive timbers and large boulders, it blends into the mountain landscape. Trails led through wildflower meadows and around glacial lakes.  More experienced climbers can leave from here in attempts to reach the summit.

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