Monday, February 9, 2015

Return to Arizona 2015

We left Minnesota just ahead of a snowstorm and bone-chilling cold temperatures. But, even as we traveled south, so did the cold.  Waiting until Kansas to fill the fresh water tank should have been safe, but two days later in northeastern New Mexico a line froze and we were without water again.  Daytime temps below freezing and overnight temps in single digits took their toll, and we struggled to keep warm.  We even drove in snow during our final drive day along I-10 into Tucson.

Evidence of the cold was also noticed here at the RV park...usually beautiful rosy-red bougainvillea plants and golden yellow-orange lantana had frozen before be arrived.  Other desert shrubs and some cacti were also affected.

Anyone who watched TV the end of January is aware that Super Bowl was played in Arizona, and it was cool and wet for some pre-game events.  Also the Waste Management Open Golf Tournament play was hampered by it was in our park. It rained overnight, all day and night and into the next day..."Should we start building an ark?" one might ask.  The hard desert sand repelled the rain, water ran down the streets and overflowed ditches...even the driveway into the park was impassable for awhile.

But now it's sunny and warm and we are reminded again why we drive south for the winter!

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