Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gallery in the Sun

Gallery in the Sun is a 10 acre historic landmark located in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson.  The Gallery is a complex of hand-made buildings and structures designed and built by Arizona artist Ettore "Ted" DeGrazia.  DeGrazia is well known for his paintings of native cultures of the Southwest, many of which are on display in the Gallery.

Also on the grounds is Mission in the Sun, built in 1952 of native adobe, and dedicated to Father Kino (early missionary) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (patron saint of Mexico). DeGrazia's original home and his gravesite are located near the mission church.

Likely most well known of DeGrazia's paintings is "Los Ninos", which was chosen in 1960 as the artwork for a UNICEF greeting card.

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