Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Prescott, Sedona, and Jerome, Arizona

Before leaving Arizona for the season, we drove by car to Prescott, AZ to visit relatives and do some sightseeing.  One day was spent on a road trip from Prescott on highways 69 and 169 through the Prescott National Forest and Verde Valley to Montezuma Well National Monument located off I-17; from there it was on to Sedona (known for it's red-rock buttes) for lunch; then we followed highway 89A to Jerome (a mile high copper mining ghost town), drove
across Mingus Mountain and back to Prescott.  The scenery along AZ 89A was wonderful...filled with pines, steep cliffs, deep valleys, and hairpin curves!

The next day was spent in Prescott, touring Sharlot Hall Museum, which documents local history in a park like setting.  Territorial buildings, including a govenor's mansion, one room school, military housing, and period homes complete with costumed volunteers who explain life in Prescott from mid-1800's through the early 1900's.

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