Tuesday, March 12, 2013

February Activities

February activities centered on events here at the park.  Kathy helped with "States & Provinces Day" on Feb 2nd.  Each state or Canadian province was offered a table to set up displays about our "other home"...displays included maps and pamphlets about recreation activities, places to visit, sports events, etc.. Most tables served some food items popular to their state. At the Minnesota table we served samples of wild rice soup, Spam, Schwann's Ice Cream, and small Pearson's Nut Roll candy bars. 
   In February Kathy was attacked by the flu, or some such virus, which had her homebound for a couple weeks.  Gene continued to attend our regular weekly activities. Friends began to ask where Kathy was...rumors were that she had either gone back to Minnesota or was lost in the desert!  Neither was true, and she eventually returned to good health, to appear in public again.
   Near the end of the month we traveled to Tuscon and Mesa to visit with friends and relatives who are also Arizona snowbirds.  Everyone agrees this winter has been one of the coldest and wettest in memory; our friends in Tuscon even had an inch or so of snow one day!

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