Saturday, March 31, 2012

St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery

  On March 27th we drove to St. Anthony's Monastery near Florence, AZ to view the beautiful church, chapels, and gardens that make up the Monastery.  Jen was visiting  for a few days the end of March, so she was able to go on this trip with us.
   In the summer of 1995 six monks arrived in the Arizona desert. Under the direction of Elder Ephraim, a disciple of Mt. Athos monastery in Greece, the building began. They constructed a main church, living quarters for the monks, a  dining hall, and guest facilities.  As the monastery expanded they added more chapels, a vegetable garden, citrus orchards, and an olive grove.
  The brotherhood of over 40 monks and novices living here follow a daily schedule of prayer and work...tending the gardens, orchards, and buildings; preparing food; and offering hospitality to visitors. Everyone is welcome to visit, but are asked to dress appropriately: men wear long sleeve shirts and long pants; women wear long sleeve blouses, long skirts, and head scarves.  A supply of clothing is kept at the visitor entrance for those needing it...Jen and I were given long skirts and head scarves to put on as we entered, as neither of us had those garments in our travel wardrobe...

    Beautiful woodwork, icons, and candles are plentiful. The rounded Byzantine dome (Russian dome) architecture and Russian Orthodox crosses are present on the church and chapels. The churches are open, with no pews or chairs, only benches surrounding the perimeter where those attending stand during the services.

 It is a beautiful hidden, desert surprise...

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