Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wisconsin Fall Tour

October 21-23 we took off for a fall tour of neighboring state Wisconsin.  We headed east on I-94 in the general direction of Wausau/Stevens Point area.  Campgrounds were already starting to close for the season, so we planned our trip to arrive at places that were still open. The first night we were the only campers at Camp DuBay Shores in Mosinee, WI.  We chose a parking spot overlooking the lake, walked to a local restaurant for dinner, and enjoyed a cool fall day.
    The next morning we took off on state highways 80 and 82, through New Lisbon and south toward Richland Center.  Our objective was scenery, and we found some very nice rolling hills and valleys and fall foliage. We also found Pittsville, WI, claimed to be the exact center of Wisconsin, and Ocean Spray Cranberry Farms near Babcock, WI, where one could see cranberry bogs along the highway.
   Our destination that evening was Blackhawk Park, an Army Corp of Engineers park along the Mississippi River at Desoto, WI. To get there Gene passed another driving challenge...curving winding narrow roads going downhill at 8% grade toward the river!  The campground was nice, with more campers there for some late fall fishing.
   We arrived home Sunday.  Likely no more trips now until time to head South...

Brainerd Lakes Area Rally

September 22-25th we attended a rally sponsored by Tiffin RV Network, a group for travelers who all drive Tiffin manufactured motorhomes.  We met 10 other couples at RV Resort @ the Preserve near Pequot Lakes, MN.  The resort had plenty of parking, and a big clubhouse where we met for potlucks and "happy hour".  We had campfires a couple evenings, able to keep warm while enjoying the late fall weather.  During free time Gene & I drove to Nisswa and Pequot Lakes to wander around and do some shopping. A lot of time was spent talking with the other campers and comparing notes on our Tiffin motorhomes.