Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Big Events

On Saturday (Feb 12) we took part in two big events in RGV: 
   First event was the Don-Wes Flea Market (located between the towns of Donna and Wesleco--thus the name). It is billed as one of the biggest flea markets in the valley. They had everything from antiques to cowboy hats; Winter Texan t-shirts to RV supplies; live music with dance floor; imports from Mexico; if they didn't have it you probably didn't need it!  We wandered around and just took in the sights. One thing they were lacking in were places to eat, so when we got hungry we left...
   In searching for a place to eat we realized we were close to Gonzales Burgers, a place that had been recommended as a "must see". We found the restaurant and went in to order, only to learn it would be about 1 hour wait. So, we waited, and it was worth it.
   Gonzales Burgers are famous because they are HUGE and really tasty.  Each "patty" contains about 1 pound of ground beef! (We had been warned to order only one & share.)  The restaurant is owned by a family; they grind the beef (something like 175 pounds each night), make the patties, and do the cooking. Each day they open for lunch about 11am and take orders until the meat is gone...we were 3rd from last to get served on Saturday, and it was only 1 pm when we got there. Another interesting fact: there is no sign out front to identify the of the family members told us the sign blew away years ago and they just hadn't gotten around to replacing it yet...but everyone finds them anyway!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Two Weeks in RGV

Just realized we've been "Winter Texan's" for two weeks already! Last weekend (Sunday) we ventured out to a Texas Rodeo in a small town south and east of San seats close to the "chute" where the bulls and bucking bronco's came out, trying to dislodge the riders. Also had calf roping, and the Budweiser Clydesdales were part of the show. Was fun!
   Then this week we took a trip with others from the RV park to South Padre Island (SPI) where we took off for a 4 hour "cruise" of the Port of Brownsville. Crossed a harbor and were able to see a couple pairs of dolphins, and lots of pelicans, gulls, and other water birds.  The Port of Brownsville is connected by a 7 mile long man-made channel which ended in the Port. Lots of shrimping boats there, plus several big old ships, including a military vessel, which were being demolished and salvaged for scrap metal.  The metal goes to Asia to be remade into cars!
    After the cruise we all went to a restaurant on SPI for shrimp dinners.
This week has been colder and windy again, which makes outdoor activities more difficult.  We are hoping for warmer weather for the weekend...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wind Chill in RGV

Winter weather advisory, wind chill, school closings, freezing rain/sleet/snow flurries....these are not part of the vocabulary I thought we'd hear in RGV!  But here it, tomorrow, and Friday...some park residents ("Winter Texan's") I talked with today agreed: we might as well be back home!